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Exercise To Reduce Stress Levels

Here we go, a factor that affects most of us at some point on a day to day basis, and that is stress. I just hate saying that damn word. Stress gets everyone into some sort of funk, and no, not the good kind of funk like Uptown Funk by Bruno Mars. I'm talking that down in the dumpster Oscar the grouch kind of funk. That kind of funk we need to get ourselves out of!

Here's a little secret that works for me and other people as well... WORKOUT! Go play a sport, go for a hike, beat up a punching bag, anything that will let you blow off some steam and bring those happy endorphins back into your system!

Life will throw us curve balls, take us down different directions, slap us in the face at some point, and of course have your boss or somebody always breathing down your throat everyday. And it's not easy, no one said life was easy, just like Rome wasn't built in a day, neither is your life. So I can see why so much stress enters a persons mind and doesn't want to leave because we all are worrying about that next step to take. When really, some of us just need to stop, take a deep breath, and then proceed. Or, you can take your stress out in the gym, playing a sport, hit a punching bag, and so on! Just to calm yourself down and blow off that extra steam that you have built up and couldn't take anymore and wanted to explode like a volcano.

If you can get in some sort of workout to help you deal with stress I highly recommend you do because it does help. It's proven to reduce stress levels and you will feel so much better after you let off that extra, unwanted steam.

When you're feeling down in the dumps, got so much weight on your shoulders, or are just so done you'd rather scream at the top of your lungs, just remember, you always have the option of working out and taking that rage, anger, or hatred out on something else rather than someone else.

What are some things you do to cope with stress? Is it working out? Going for a run? Doing a little boxing? Or, do you just wait until it passes? Get the comments flowing below within that comment section!

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